Sun Bear Solar

Set to be one of the largest solar farms in the United States, Sun Bear Solar is located on the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation in southwestern Colorado and aims to generate 971 megawatts of clean energy — enough to potentially power more than 250,000 homes during peak generation.

About Sun Bear Solar

Sun Bear known as tavach kwiyagat in the Ute language) Solar — a collaborative effort between the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (UMUT) and Canigou Group — will offer environmental, socioeconomic, and air quality benefits to surrounding communities while aligning with tribal and federal climate goals.


Solar Capacity

2.2 million solar panels in a field eight miles long and one mile wide, connecting to a regional transmission line nearby


Clean Energy

Nearly 1,000 MW of clean energy, displacing 1,700 to 2,400 GW hours per year, decreasing overall greenhouse gas emissions in the Four Corners region


Power Generated

Generating enough clean energy to potentially power more than 250,000 homes


Sun Bear Solar is located approximately 9 miles southwest of Towaoc, Colorado, on Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Land, along U.S. Highway 60 and within the Upper Colorado River Basin of southwestern Colorado. It is well positioned for harnessing the sun with its large unobstructed sky, high annual solar irradiance and low seasonal variability.

Points of Interest

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Investment Opportunities

For investment opportunities in one of the largest solar farms in the U.S., contact Canigou Group, a global leader in renewable energy.


Visit Canigou Group

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